Loose Greens
Chicory - red & green Dandelion - loose leaf, tender & not bitter!
Endive - Super fine and tender leaves
Endive - Super fine and tender leaves
Escarole - little leaves, sweet as lettuce
Mibuna - mild sweet green for salad & saute
Siberian Kale - medium size leaves for salads & saute
Spicy Oriental Mix - tatsoi, curly green mustard, mizuna, purple mizuna
Baby Lettuces
Spicy Oriental Mix - tatsoi, curly green mustard, mizuna, purple mizuna
Baby Lettuces
Green Garlic - small, tender, and pungent
Bay Leaves - still on the branch!
Marjoram -sweet spring growth 4" size
Winter Savory - peppery thyme flavor, use in place of rosemary - beans!
Delicata, Zepplin - still sweet!
Spaghetti - firm and storing well!
CRABAPPLE BLOSSOMS - use ice cubes in the water to make them last longer
Thanking you for your support and encouragement through the years and wishing you and yours a great week! Barbara & Bill Spencer and all the crew at Windrose Farm.