Farm Tours:
Bill gives tours of the farm and explains the principles behind organic and biodynamic farming at Windrose.
Dogs, sheep, chickens, guinea fowl, cats, a llama and a horse all contribute to the symbiosis of our bio-dynamic farm.
Throughout the year, we open the farm for celebrations such as tastings, charity dinners, and farm tours. See the complete events list.
Internship and Volunteers:
We take in interns and have a limited number of spots for volunteers. Some of the people that have come helped at the farm include a chef from New Orleans, agriculture science graduates, composting scientists and even engineers. Once you connect to your source of food, it will change your outlook and relationship to food. Contact us for more information.
Produce for sale:
We have produce available for sale at the farm. Contact us for whats in season.
We also ask that you not bring any dogs onto the farm as we have plenty here already!