confused radish |
So the wonders of nature seem to continue. This radish had a moment of indecision before getting back on track. We had an experience this Monday that will stay with me for many years to come, I got to witness a swarm of bees with their new queen. I heard a strange humming from the herb garden and walked out to a cloud of bees buzzing around a crab apple tree. I had seen a swarm moving through the fields before, but this one had decided to settle right next to the house. The swarm appeared very calm, and individual bees would bump off of me as I moved closer to get a good look.
start of the swarm |
All those little dots in the blue of the sky are bees. The queen had landed on a thin branch and the rest of the group started to land on/near and group together.
gathering together |
Slowly the bees continued to group on top of each other until a very calm lump had formed. Scouts would come back and land on the outside of the clump, do a quick little report "dance" and settle in.
group formation |
We knew they would stay like this for at least the night, then move on to find a suitable hive. The next morning they were still there, completely silent and motionless, all facing the sky, creating a yellow and black striped ball. It was truly amazing to see them so still and silent, waiting for the sun to warm them. Every once in a while a scout would return and sink into the ball to deliver the latest news. They left sometime in the afternoon, which I did not get to witness, but I'm sure it was with the same grace and unity with which they assembled. I already had a love of bees, but this close encounter just instilled in me more how amazing and important bees are to us.
bees awaiting |